Ruben Wälchli
Curriculum Vitae
- 03/2016 – present: Doctoral studies in the group of Prof. M. Morbidelli at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering (ICB), ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- 09/2014 – 02/2016: MSc in Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- 02/2015 – 08/2015: Master Thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) under the supervision of Prof. T. A. Hatton and Prof. J. Swan. Titel: “Staged Addition of Polymer Flocculants to Dewater Mineral Particle Suspensions”.
- 08/2014 – 09/2014: Research project at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland in the group of Prof. M. Morbidelli. Title: "Adsorption Behavior of Monoclonal Antibodies in Ion Exchange Chromatography”.
- 09/2010 – 09/2013: BSc in Chemical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Working Experience
- 05/2014 – 07/2014: Internship at the engineering company Weyer und Partner (Schweiz) AG in Basel, Switzerland.
- 10/2013 – 04/2014: Civilian service as research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland in the Institute for Ecopreneurship.
Research Interests
Aggregation of therapeutic antibodies with focus on long-term behavior under conditions relevant for drug formulation and storage.